Recently, the very important Business Conference with the theme «Invest in South Aegean. A Sea of Opportunities» took place in Rhodes Island. It was organized by the supporting of the South Aegean Region in the context of the 13th Assembly of the World Inter-Parliamentary Union of Hellenism (WHIA).*
By Peggy Dokou, journalist
The central guest was the American Ambassabor in Athens mr Geoffrey Payatt and mr Nikos Papathanasis, the Greek Alternate Minister of Development and Investment.
Many legislators from various countries participated and the American Greeks elect senators have spoken about the perspectives of investments in Greece that can start a completely new era in all sectors.
Here’s the statements of our American Greeks elect senators who express their opinion about the Business Conference
«Invest in South Aegean. A Sea of Opportunities» Steve Malagari, Member 53rd District, House of Representatives Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Commander Demetries Grimes, a former US naval officer and aviator, has served as Naval Attaché to Greece and Israel, and as Deputy Commander of the US base in Crete, and Advisor to NATO’s Maritime Commander in London, UK.
Wyoming State Senator, District 7 in Wyoming Legislature
ExAssistant Adjutant General στην εταιρεία United States Air Force
Andreas Borgeas Californian Senator
Leonidas (Lou) P. Raptakis member of the Rhode Island Senate representing District 33
*The World Hellenic Inter-Parliamentary Association is an organization established in August 1996 on a Greek government initiative. It consists of current and former elected members of legislatures of Greek descent in non-Greek speaking countries and aims to: a) foster communication and promote relations between these legislators and the Hellenic Parliament, b) strengthen relations of friendship and co-operation with Greece and develop a common strategy in relation to issues of Greek interest and c) bring forth and promote the Hellenic Culture and the Greek language.
WHIA co-operates closely with the Special Permanent Committee on Greeks Abroad in order to tackle issues regarding the Greek Diaspora.
The Governing Body of the World Hellenic Inter-Parliamentary Association meets in Greece once or twice a year while the General Assembly is held every two years in Athens. The General Assembly has adopted significant resolutions supporting Greek issues at international level.