
TasteAtlas: Tsipouro is rated between the four best Grape Spirits in the world!



Tsipouro is rated between the four best Grape Spirits in the world! According to TasteAtlas, this strong Greek spirit is distilled from pomace—solid components of grapes that are left after the juice has been pressed. According to some records, tsipouro was first produced in the 14th century by Orthodox monks. The drink comes in its original, pure form, but some distillers infuse it with botanicals, primarily anise, to create the anise-flavored spirit that is traditionally mixed with water.

Plain tsipouro is best appreciated well-chilled and neat, served in shot glasses. It is enjoyed as a welcoming drink and typically accompanies Greek meze—assorted small dishes. In Crete, a similar drink with a stronger aroma goes under the name tsikoudia.

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