“War is always evil…” This is the post in facebook of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Episcop Victor Kotsaba, about the children’s fate in Ukraine, who calls on the leadership of the Russian Federation to stop the bloody war.
Today it became known that during the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, 4.3 million Ukrainian children have already become internally displaced persons.
Of these, more than 1.8 million children left our homeland, and 2.5 million children were moved to other regions of the country.
This is a huge number. And not only for the reason that, according to UNICEF, only 7.5 million children live in our country (that is, more than half of them were left without a permanent place of residence). And first of all, because the consciousness of the most defenseless little citizens of Ukraine is already overshadowed by war, suffering and tears.
War is always evil. And the most vulnerable to it are the elderly, women and children. They need our protection and help the most.

These days, we all unanimously call on the leadership of the Russian Federation to stop the bloody war. But we must also not forget that a peaceful sky over the heads of our children depends not only on the strength of weapons, but also on our common prayer.
God is always where there are tears, pain and suffering. And today God is with us, on our land. He is in the basements of Kharkov, on the streets of Chernigov, Izyum and Donetsk. He is in every place where shots rumble and cannonades do not cease. He does not want this terrible war, because our God is the God of peace.
The Apostle Paul in his First Epistle to the Thessalonians left these words: “And the God of peace Himself sanctify you in all its fullness, and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved without blemish at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thess. 5, 23). This sanctification is what we ask of Him. After all, peace is always where the power of the Lord is.